Rabu, 30 November 2016

Powerful Easy Method Lose Weight - Comp

Powerful Easy Method Lose Weight - Comp
Whether you're trying to lose weight? Lucky for you, a new study in Cell Metabolism have identified a new way, effective and very easy to lose weight.
In fact, this new method does not require you to change your diet. Restrict what you eat at intervals of 10 to 12 hours - in other words, if you eat breakfast around 8 am, stop eating at between 6 and 8 pm.
In the study, the researchers first checked daily eating habits of the participants and found that many of them eat continuously for nearly 15 hours - most of whom are in their waking hours.
However, when people have started to restrict their food intake up to 10-12 hours per day for 16 weeks, without changing the food they asup, they successfully lost weight on average 3.5 kg, have more energy, and quality sleep is better. The best part is, these effects last for one year.
This also is not the first research that supports this method. Previous research has also found that the type of Fasting intermittent this - the term for each diet cycle between periods of fasting and non-fasting, helping people burn more fat (and less muscle) for energy, control blood sugar better and reduce the risk diabetes.
But how can you get great benefits with just a little limiting the time when you eat for 3 to 5 hours?
The simplest explanation, says study co-author Satchin Panda, is that people end up with eating less food when they stop eating sooner.
For example, if you normally eat some cake to make keep the energy passing through the film sessions favorite series in late at night, then avoid the food after 8 pm will eliminate empty calories and avoid blood sugar problems.
Another potential reason for the positive effect of this is to increase the amount of time we fasted overnight could have a positive effect on the circadian rhythm, which will improve the quality of sleep and affects the function of genes involved metabolism.
So, please try. In addition to simple, this method also would be healthier and less expensive than the juice laxatives or other slimming drugs. (Gibran Maulana)

green coffee bean

Senin, 07 November 2016

3 Drink It Effectively Lose Weight - Compass

3 Drink It Effectively Lose Weight - Compass
Lemon water is not a magic potion to lose weight quickly, but can help cleanse the digestive tract and make you healthier.
Experts say, in fact no drinks can be slimming, but there are a few drinks that can actually help you burn more calories. Here are three drinks were more efficacious than the lemon water to help you lose weight.
You could call it a perfect energy drinks. Research shows that drinking two to three cups of coffee before exercise may spur you to move longer and harder, than if you did gym without caffeine.
One study in the Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness discovered, someone could make a move to 20% more on a treadmill when they drank coffee earlier.
But remember, always drink black coffee with the addition of honey to give it a sweet taste. For extra cream and sugar is actually going to cancel the efficacy of an energy booster.
Ice water
Mix water with a handful of ice. Cold drinks will "force" the body to expend more energy to maintain body temperature.
This means, drank three glasses of ice water a day can help your body burn up to 100 extra calories, says Mitzi Dulan, RD, a nutritionist and author of the Kansas City Royals The Pinterest diet.
Do it every day and ice water will help you lose weight up to 5 kilograms a year.
Green tea
Not only free of calories, green tea can also stimulate the body to burn fat and promote weight loss.
In one study, participants who drank four cups of green tea every day for 2 months easier to lose weight by 2.5 kilograms, rather than participants who only drink water, according to research published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition.
Another analysis of the European Journal of Nutrition found that regular green tea drinkers would weigh less and have a smaller waist circumference.
When possible, choose fresh brewed green tea itself. Bottled green tea concoction factories tend to have fewer antioxidants and excessive sugar content. Forget also green tea supplements are often the cause of liver damage, due to dose contains unsafe.
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