Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2016

Alert! Ideal Body Weight Definitely Not Free Cholesterol

Alert! Ideal Body Weight Definitely Not Free Cholesterol


Jakarta, which has a weight An excessive Agency is indeed evil must be concerned about the amount of cholesterol in the body. But it is not meaningful weighs ideal Agency can stay calm, because both are natural risk cholesterol excellence. Body weight alone is not just a benchmark to ensure a cholesterol content, not 100% of people with ideal weight then free cholesterol Agency, said Prof. Dr. Tjandra Yoga Adhitama, Ingindalian Director General of Disease and Environmental Health, MoH RI in a press conference at Balai Kartini (Wednesday, 3/10 / 2013). To avoid the appearance of cholesterol disease, by way of a must regularly measure the concentration of cholesterol in the blood, not simply by measuring the weight of the Agency. Although the Agency has an ideal weight, the risk remains that many natural advantages cholesterol consumption of fatty foods. Consuming fatty foods will bring the impact of high cholesterol into the body consumes. Preparation of a healthy diet with calorie balanced is a pattern of consuming foods that contain the nutrients in the appropriate type and amount of the same purposes of the agency. This arrangement includes select foods low in sugar, low salt, low fat, high fiber, and calories in balance. Nutrients needed for healthy living such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, and calcium. In the body, some nutrients that act as a resource, builder substances, as well as replace some damaged body cells. Purposes necessary nutrients must be met in order to keep a healthy. Ideal Body Weight can be calculated using the formula: Ideal BB = (Height - 100) - 10% (Height in cm and weight unit of the Agency in the unit kg) (up / up)


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